Are you homeless or at risk of homelessness?
If you are likely to become, or already are, homeless, but you do not have an existing homelessness application with Ealing Council, please telephone the housing service on 020 8825 6444. Lines are open Monday to Friday, from 9am to 4.30pm.
If you have already have an existing homelessness application, contact your housing solutions officer in the first instance directly by email or on their direct line. If your officer is away, please use one of these two duty line numbers 020 8825 8881 and/or 020 8825 8888.
If all staff are busy, you will be able to either leave a voicemail message with you contact details or send an email to
Other Useful Services
Ealing Soup Kitchen
Ealing Soup Kitchen are able to source warm clothes, provide free haircuts, a free shower service, advocacy for all sorts of issues, as well as a hearty meal. They also provide space to sit and eat a hot meal, a food parcel to take with you, care, barber service, and karaoke sessions. Ealing Soup Kitchen offer advocacy & practical support and advice. They also provide a takeaway food service & clothes on Monday evenings. They run Friday sessions which begin at 11am and includes a workshop consisting of a listening space, pottery class, conversation English classes with an ESOL teacher and breathing & stretching exercises. They also offer foot care, barber service, shower and clothes. They also run a Saturday & Sunday weekend Soup Kitchen which has been feeding those in need since 1973.
Monday Evening Hub – serves hot takeaway meals, food parcels and clothes. 6 – 8pm – Salvation Army Hall, 6 Leeland Road, W13 9HH.
Friday Hub – a hot meal, food parcel, clothes, listening space, advocacy, shower, haircuts, foot care, conversational English class, exercise class and pottery class. 11:00am -3:30pm – The Crypt, St John’s Mattock Lane W13 9LA
Saturday & Sunday Ealing Soup Kitchen – hot meal. 3:30pm – 5pm. Church Room, St Johns, Mattock Lane, W13 9LA.
Contact info – Office: 0208 566 3507 (ext. 7), Mobile: 07803 728288
Acton Homeless Concern
Acton Homeless Concern is a local charity with TWO drop-in day centres providing basic needs services and advice and support for homeless and other disadvantaged people. The drop-in day centres are Emmaus House, 1 Berrymead Gardens, W3 8AA and Damien Centre (open weekday mornings and afternoons), 3-5 Church Road, Acton, W3 8PU. You can contact the charity via telephone on 020 8992 5768.
You can contact this service on their free emergency helpline 0808 800 4444 if you are homeless, have nowhere to stay tonight, are worried about losing your home in the next two months or if you are at risk of harm or abuse.
Hope for Southall street homeless
This an independent charity which offers emergency support and a day centre to rough sleepers with a Southall connection. You can contact them on 0208 574 3300
Ealing Churches Winter Night Shelter
This is an independent charity which provides rolling night shelters in participating churches in the borough between late November and March. You can contact them on 07930 378263 between late November and March or alternatively email them on